
仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit 2 Topic 1 知识点+单元测试(含听力)

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Unit 2 Topic 1I have a small nose.



1. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.把某物给某人

Please give it to her.

2. look the same 长相相同     

look different 长相不同,看起来不一样

3. look like 看起来像

He looks like his father. = He and his father look the same.

4. next to 在……旁边

The boy next to me is my good friend.

5. in +颜色  穿着……颜色的衣服

in +a/an +颜色+衣服  穿着……颜色的……

The boy in a yellow T-shirt and gray pants is my good friend.6. (1) both两者都(be动词之后,实义动词之前)   

They both have brown hair and black eyes.

They are both office workers.

(2)all 三者或三者以上都

They are all kind to me. 

7. 数字+(形状、大小)+颜色+n.  

two big red apples

She has short blond hair.


1. Who is your favorite actor?

2. We are in the same school, but we are in different grades.

3. What do/does +主语+look like? ……长得怎么样?

---What does he look like?

--- He is not very tall but very strong.

4. We don’t look the same, but we are good friends.

We look the same, but we are in different clothes.

5. ---What color is/are +主语?---It’s/ They’re +颜色.

---What color is her hair? ---It’s blond.

6. This is my cap. = This cap is mine.

Is this your cap? = Is this cap yours?

---Whose cap is this? = Whose is this cap? --- It’s Sally’s.

---Whose are these bananas? --- They’re their bananastheirs.

7. His pants are blue and mine are white.(mine=my pants)

My T-shirt is green and his is brown.(his=his T-shirt)

8. I have small eyes, but he has big ones.(ones指代eyes)

My jacket is blue and white. That one is blue. (one指代jacket)


1. 动词原形和动词第三人称单数形式


① 一般情况直接加“s”,如:come---comes,meet---meets

② 动词以o,s,sh,ch, x结尾,加“es”,如:do--does; go--goes; teach--teaches

③ 以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i,再加es, 如:study--studies, fly--flies, try--tries

④ 特殊情况:have--has


① 当主语为第三人称单数:变否定句时,在动词前加doesn’t, 动词现原形;变一般疑问句时,在句首加does,动词现原形。

一般疑问句的肯定回答:Yes, 人称代词+does;否定回答:No, 人称代词+doesn’t.

如:She has small eyes.

---She doesn’t have small eyes.

---Does she have small eyes?

---Yes, she does. /No, she doesn’t.

② 当主语为第一、第二人称变否定句,在动词前加don’t,变一般疑问句,在句首加do,肯定回答:Yes, 人称代词+do;否定回答:No,人称代词+don’t.

They have small eyes.

---They don’t have small eyes.

--- Do they have small eyes?  

---Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

2. 表示所属关系


形容词性物主代词   my    your   his   her    our   their    its

名词性物主代词    mine   yours   his   hers   ours  theirs   its

• --Whose is this pen? Is it yours?

• --No, it’s not mine. My pen is blue.


① 用于人或其他表示有生命的名词后:

• 单数或不以s结尾的复数+’s,如:Jane’s book;Women’s Day

• 以s结尾的复数+’如:Teachers’Day

• Lucy’s and Lily’s bags 分有   

Lucy and Lily’s room 共有

Those are Jane’s shoes.= Those shoes are Jane’s.

② of 表示所属关系,用于没有生命的物体,如:a map of China;a photo of my family



Name: LiLei



Telephone number: 01098432089

Class: Class Two, Grade Eight


Hello! My name is LiLei. I am 15 years old. I am from Beijing, China. My telephone is 01098432089. I am in Class Two , Grade Eight. I want to be your good friend.



仁爱版初中英语七年级上册Unit2 Topic1 单元测试

(满分100分  时间90分钟)







第一部分  听力(20分)


1. ____   2. ____   3. ____   4. ____   5. ____


(   )6. A. He is short.            B. He is Jack.                

C. He is twelve.

(   )7. A. Yes, I do.            B. Yes, I am.                

C. Yes, it isn’t.

(   )8. A. Yes, he does.            B. No, he doesn’t.            

C. Yes, he is.

(   )9. A. No, she isn’t.            B. No, she doesn’t.            

C. No, she has a sister.

(   )10. A.They’re students.   B.They’re in Class One.        

C. They come from England.


(   )11. A. Michael.     B. Jim.          C. Alice.

(   )12. A. Yes, I do.            B. No, she doesn’t.            

            C. Yes, she does.

(   )13. A. No, he doesn’t.        B. Yes, he does.            

            C. Yes, he is.

(   )14. A. The UK.            B. Canada.                

            C. The USA.

(   )15. A. Yes, she does.        B. No, she doesn’t.            

            C. No, she has long legs.


(   )16. Wang Mei has ____ hair and her eyes are ____.

A. long; big            B. short; big                

C. long; small

(   )17. Wang Mei is ____.

A. 10          B. 11           C. 12

(   )18. Wang Yin has a ____ nose and a ____ mouth.

A. big; big                B. small; small            

C. big; small

(   )19. They are in ____.

A. the same school        B. different schools            

C. the same grade

(   )20. Wang Mei and her sister are ____.

A. teachers            B. students                

C. from Shanghai

第二部分  基础知识运用(55分)


(   )1. —____ is your teacher?

—It’s Miss Gao.

A. What            B. Who            

C. Where                D. How

(   )2. Tony and I are good friends, but we are in different ____.

A. classes            B. school            

C. grade                D. age

(   )3. She has round face. Her hair ____ black and long.

A. has                B. am            

C. is                    D. are

(   )4. —____ Wang Fang have two small eyes?

—No, she has two big eyes.

A. Does            B. Do           

C. Is                    D. Are

(   )5. 找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。

A. no                B. not            

C. those                D. zero

(   )6. —Look, the girl has long legs.


A. You’re right.        B. Yes, she is.        

C. Thanks.            D. Good.

(   )7. —Does Li Ying have a small mouth?

—No, she has a wide ____.

A. it                B. that            

C. one                D. ones

(   )8. I ____ a big nose, but Amy ____ a small nose.

A. have; have        B. have; has        

C. has; has            D. has; have

(   )9. They are in ____ but in ____.

A. same grade; different classes            

B. the same grade; different classes

C. same grades; different class            

D. the same grades; different class

(   )10. —Do the two boys have big noses?


          A. Yes, they are.        B. No, they aren’t.    

          C. No, they have big ones.    D. Yes, they do.



A: Hi, Han Mei.  11  

B: I’m in Class Three, Grade Seven.

A: Oh, I have a good friend in your class.

B:  12  

A: Yes, she is. She has a round face.

B: Does she have long black hair?

A:  13   She has short black hair.

B: Does she have big eyes?

A:  14  

B: Oh, I see. It’s Li Meng.

A: No, it isn’t.

B:  15  

A: She comes from Shanghai.

B: Is she Zhang Hong?

A: Yes, you are right.

A. Who is she?

B. What class are you in?

C. Where is she from?

D. No, she doesn’t.

E. Is your friend a girl?

F. Does she have a big nose?

G. Yes, she does.

11.         12.         13.         14.         15.        


Hi, I have two friends. They are twelve  16   . Now we are in a high school. They  17  from England. Look at the  18  . His name is Jim. He has a  19   face, a big nose, a small mouth  20  small eyes. This girl is his  21  , Jane. She and Jim are from  22   same family. But they look 23  . She has a long face, a small  24  , a small mouth and big  25  . They are my good friends.

(   )16. A. years old        B. year            

C. year old        D. years

(   )17. A. welcome        B. comes            

C. come            D. is

(   )18. A. girl            B. boy            

C. mom            D. sister

(   )19. A. wide            B. short            

C. right            D. round

(   )20. A. and            B. but            

C. and a             D. but a

(   )21. A. sister            B. teacher        

C. friend            D. student

(   )22. A. a                B. an            

C. the            D. /

(   )23. A. same            B. different        

C. the same        D. the different

(   )24. A. face            B. mouth            

C. eyes            D. nose

(   )25. A. arm            B. hair            

C. eyes            D. neck



I have a friend. His name is James. He’s an English boy. He is thirteen years old. He is tall(高的). He has a round face, big eyes and a big nose. His mouth is wide, but his ears are small. His hair is short.


(   )26. James is my ____.

A. student            B. teacher        

C. friend            D. sister

(   )27. James is ____.

A. 12                B. 13            

C. 14            D. 15

(   )28. James comes from ____.

A. Canada            B. Japan            

C. China            D. England

(   )29. James has ____ hair.

A. short            B. long            

C. big            D. small

(   )30. ____ is James.

A.         B.         

C.        D.


I’m Yangyang. Look! This is No. 2 High School. My friend Dongdong is in this school. Dongdong has long hair, a long neck, a small mouth and big eyes. He is thirteen. He is in Class Two, Grade Seven. He is a good student. He has two good friends in his school. They are Jim and Jack. They are English boys. They are twins(双胞胎). They are fourteen. They have small noses, small eyes, but they are very tall. Jim, Jack and Dongdong are in the same class. Mr. White is their (他们的) English teacher.


(   )31. Dongdong has big eyes and short hair.

(   )32. Jim is fourteen years old.

(   )33. Jack’s eyes and nose are small.

(   )34. Jim and Jack are in Class Two, Grade Seven.

(   )35. Mr. White is Yangyang’s(阳阳的) English teacher.


Hello, boys and girls! My name is Dick. I’m a boy. I’m a robot (机器人). Please look here. These are my hands. My arms are long. I have no hair. This is my face. I have two big eyes , a long nose and a wide mouth. Here are my big ears. I have short legs and two big    (foot). I can walk(步行). I can speak Chinese, but I can’t speak English. I’m your good friend.



36. Dick doesn’t have ____.

37. Dick can speak ____.


38. ____.




40. Does Dick have a nose?


第三部分  写作(25分)


A. 根据句意及图片填词。(5分)

1. Kangkang has a ____ head.

2. Her hair is ____.

3. I have ____ eyes.

4. This is my friend. He has a ____ face.

5. The boy has a ____ mouth.

B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

6. This is Li Ming. He ____(have) big hands.

7. —What are those in the box?

—They are       (knife).

8. —Does she ____(have)a small mouth?

—Yes, she does.

9. Look! Her ____ (eye)are big.

10. My hair ____(be) black (黑色的) and long.


11. He has short hair.(改为一般疑问句)

____ he ____ short hair?

12. Do you have a sister?(作否定回答)

____, I ____.

13. She has long legs.(同义句转换)

____ legs ____ long.

14. I am from China.(同义句转换)

I ____ ____China.

15. We aren’t in the same class.(同义句转换)

We are in ____ ____.




听 力 材 料

Unit 2 Topic 1


1.(M:)I have a big nose.

2. They have long hair.

3. He has a wide mouth.

4.(M:)We have round faces.

5. Lisa has two big eyes.


6. Who is he?

7. Do you have a car?

8. Is he Mike?

9. Does she have a sister?

10. Where are they from?


11. M: Who is the boy?

W: He’s Jim. He’s my good friend.

Q: What’s the boy’s name?

12. M: Kate, do you have a knife?

W: Yes, I do. I have a small knife.

Q: Does Kate have a small knife?

13. M: Who is your favorite actor?

W: Guess, he has a long face, small eyes, and long hair.

M: I know. It’s Jack Brown.

W: That’s right.

Q: Does Jack Brown have a round face?

14. M: Does Kate come from Canada?

W: No, she doesn’t. She is from England. What about you, Mr. Green?

M: I come from the USA.

Q: Where is Kate from?

15. M: I have long legs. Does Betty have long legs?

W: No, she has short legs.

Q: Does Betty have short legs?


(W:)Hello! I’m a girl. My name is Wang Mei. I come from Changsha, China. I am twelve years old. I am a student. I have a round face, a small nose, a wide mouth, long hair and big eyes. I have a sister. Her name is Wang Yin. She is ten years old. She is a student, too. She has a big nose, a round face, a small mouth and short hair. Her eyes are big. We are in the same school, but in different grades.


Unit 2 Topic 1

第一部分  听力

Ⅰ. 1. C   2. B   3. A   4. E   5. D

Ⅱ. 6. B   7. A   8. C   9. B   10. C

Ⅲ. 11. B  12. C  13. A  14. A  15. A

Ⅳ. 16. A  17. C  18. C  19. A  20. B

第二部分  基础知识运用

Ⅰ.1. B   本题考查疑问代词。What“什么”; who“谁”; where“在哪里”; how“怎样”。由答语“高老师”可知问句是“谁是你的老师”, 故选B。2. A   different后接名词复数形式, 故选A。3. C   本题考查名词。hair 是不可数名词, 作主语时, 谓语动词用单数, 故选C。4. A   行为动词have, has的疑问句分别由do, does引导。have由do引导;has由does引导, 且has应变为原形have, 故选A。5. B   选项A、C、D画线部分读音为//,而B画线部分则读作/9u/或/4/,故选B。6. A   本题表示 “看, 这个女孩有一双长腿”,由题意可知, B、C、D不合题意。You’re  right.是同意对方的观点或看法时的常用语, 表示“对, 正确”,故选A。7. C   本题考查代词。人称代词代替“同一个人或物”, one代替“前面提到的一类人或物中的一个”;it代替“前面提到的具体的某一个人或物”; that代替“远处某一人或物”;ones是one的复数, 由题意可知选C。8. B   本题考查have用法。主语是第三人称单数时have变为has, 第三人称复数和其他人称单、复数作主语时用have。本题中I是第一人称单数, Amy是第三人称单数, 故选B。9. B   本题考查same和different的用法。same后接名词单数且与the连用; different后接名词复数,故选B。10. D  以do或does引导的一般疑问句, 其肯定答语仍用do, does, 否定用don’t, doesn’t, 故选D。Ⅱ.11. B   12. E   13. D   14. G   15. CⅢ.16. A  “数字+year(s) old”表示“多少岁”, 超过一岁,year应为复数, 故选A。17. C  “来自某处”用come from, 也可用be from,由句意“他们来自英国”可先排除A。主语they是第三人称复数, come 用原形, 故选C。18. B  girl表示“女孩”; boy表示“男孩”,都是指未成年人,由上文“他们12岁”和下文“他的名字叫Jim”可知选B。19. D  wide“宽的”;short“短的, 矮的”;right“正确的,右边的”;round“圆形的”, 只有round能修饰face, 故选D。20. A  本题考查连词的用法。and“和”,表示并列; but“但是”,表示转折。因一双眼睛是复数,不能直接用不定冠词a修饰,再由句意“他有一张圆脸, 一个大鼻子, 一张小嘴和一双大眼睛”,故选A。21. A  由后一句可知她和Jim来自同一个家庭,排除B、C、D, 故选A。22. C  the same family“同一个家庭”,same与the连用构成固定搭配, 故选C。23. B  look different, look the same是固定搭配, 排除A、D。虽然在上文中“Jane和Jim都是12岁,来自同一家,是兄妹”, 理应“看起来一样”, 然而本句的连词“but”表示前后意思转折, 故选B。24. D  因“Jane和Jim看起来不同”,由上下文对两人的外貌描写可知选D。25. C  由上文“Jane和Jim看起来不同”,及本空前的修饰词big,可排除A、B、D,故选C。Ⅳ.(A)26. C  由文中的第一、二句“I have a friend. His name is James.”可知James是我的朋友”,故选C。27. B  由“He is thirteen years old.”可知选B。28. D  由“He’s an English boy.”可知他来自英国,故选D。29. A  由“His hair is short.”可知选A。30. C  由文中对James的外貌描写可知James的外貌是圆脸、大眼睛、大鼻子、大嘴、小耳朵、短发, 故选C。(B)31. F  由“Dongdong has long hair ...”可知Dongdong有长发, 故本题错误。32. T  由“They are fourteen.” 可知Jim 14岁, 故本题正确。

33. T  由“They have small noses, small eyes ...”可知Jack的眼睛和鼻子是小的, 故本题正确。

34. T  由“Jim, Jack and Dongdong are in the same class.”可知Jim, Jack, Dongdong在同一个班级, 并由上文可知Dongdong在七年级二班,故本题正确。35. F  由文中最后两句可知Mr. White是Jim, Jack和Dongdong的英语老师;由文中开头句可知Yangyang不在第二中学,故本题错误。


36. hair  37.Chinese  38. feet  39. 请看这里。40. Yes, he does.

第三部分  写作

Ⅰ.A. 1. big        2. long        3. small        4. round        5. wide

B. 6. has        7. knives        8. have        9. eyes        10. is

Ⅱ.11. Does; have  12. No; don’t  13. Her; are  14. come from  15. different classes


She has a round face, big eyes, a big nose and a small mouth. Her hair is long. Her legs are long. Her hands are small but her feet are big. This is my friend Rose.


Unit 2 Topic 1 单词听力+课文朗读+单元测试(含听力)下载



●● END ●








